Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Official Residence of Prince William and Princess-to-be Kate After The Royal Wedding

Her Majesty The Queen has invited Prince William and Kate Middleton to share Buckingham Palace with her, as their official London residence, to ensure that the Royal couple have a safe and private place to stay after they are married.

If Prince William and Kate Middleton accept the offer they will have a large self-contained section within Buckingham Palace.

Prince Charles has also offered to let William and Kate renovate one of his apartments at St James’s Palace in London.

A senior Royal source said “Buckingham Palace is an option, not least because it has a lot of space, and it’s obviously safe from a security point of view. But William is determined to make life as ‘normal’ as possible after the wedding, which makes an apartment at St James’s Palace a more likely choice”.

St James’s Palace is quite possibly the preferred option for Prince William and Kate Middleton as they are keen to live a normal life and the couple can choose a suite with less formal surroundings.

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