Sunday, May 29, 2011

Royal Matchmaker Sam Waley-Cohen- Put William and Kate back together?

There is something almost Puckish about Sam Waley-Cohen. It isn’t just his slight figure, youthful appearance and cheeky smile that lend him the air of a mischievous little boy.

It’s also his energy and enthusiasm, which are palpable, fizzing into every sentence he utters in a manner that is highly infectious.

It is all too easy to picture him in the role for which he has become famed: the man whose magic brought his close friends Prince William and Kate Middleton back together after their split in March 2007.

It was at a party thrown by Sam at his family’s 17th Century mansion in Oxfordshire in June of that year that Kate and William were spotted deep in conversation and within a few weeks they were holidaying together in the Seychelles.

Sam, however, is quick to deny his match-making powers and play down his part in the history of Britain’s most celebrated couple.

‘There’s an idea that I was like Cupid with a bow and arrow. People love the idea that somebody put them back together but they put themselves together far more,’ he says.

The achievements to which he does admit are remarkable. Succeeding as an amateur in any sport is virtually unheard of nowadays, as is being a sportsman from an upper-class family, but Sam, the grandson of a baronet, has managed both.

In March, he became the first amateur jockey for 30 years to win one of racing’s most coveted prizes, the Cheltenham Gold Cup, on Long Run. The following month, he came tantalisingly close to winning another when he finished second in the Grand National.

All the more impressively, he has managed to match his accomplishments on the racecourse with ones in his demanding day job, somehow finding the time to expand his business, Portman Healthcare, at a rapid rate.

He now owns nine dental practices across the South East and Midlands and employs 170 people.

As a result of his adventurous spirit and fierce determination, he has come to be known as one of ‘the last of the Corinthians’.

Yet he knows that in the years to come, when he looks back on 2011, he will be able to pinpoint exactly the highlight of his year.

In two weeks’ time, on June 11, he will marry party organiser Bella Ballin, his girlfriend of two years.

It will be a ‘relatively low-key, small and intimate’ wedding in Oxfordshire, and for the 29-year-old there could be nothing worthy of greater celebration.

‘I’m really excited,’ he says, his dark eyes lighting up.

‘When everyone says, “You’ve had an amazing year, how could it get any better?” I think, well, getting married is the best thing that could ever happen. Everything else is irrelevant by comparison.

‘My life involves dashing around here, there and everywhere all the time, living at a very intense pace, but Bella is my main priority. Whatever’s going on, I always make sure I make time for her.

'At the wedding, we’ll be surrounded by all our friends and family, who have been amazingly supportive this year, and it will be a great day.’

Last month, he and Bella, also 29, were guests at the Royal Wedding. ‘It was absolutely fantastic,’ he says.

‘It was great to see two people who are so in love. I think everyone could see that, whether they know them or not.’

Sam has known William since prep school and has long been a friend to Kate. Unfortunately, even though they are invited, his friends’ status means it is unlikely they will be guests at his wedding.

‘It’s Trooping the Colour that day, so I don’t imagine they’ll be there,’ he says.

Indeed, there have already been reports that William will attend the Trooping the Colour on horseback.

Finding time in his schedule for a honeymoon has been tricky for Sam but he and Bella have managed to book a trip to Italy.

It will be the first break he has had for a long time and, although it is supposed to be the most romantic holiday of his life, he admits he plans to devote an hour a day to work.

Even if he’s spending an evening with Bella at their home in Chelsea, he finds it difficult to put down his BlackBerry. ‘We have to actually go out to spend proper time together, or I’m fiddling with bits and pieces and she knows I’m not really giving her my attention,’ he laughs.

No doubt Bella must find this inability to switch off from work infuriating from time to time, but it is Sam’s extraordinary drive that has allowed him to achieve a dizzying amount at such a young age.

He takes life at a breakneck speed, throwing himself into everything he does, from his racing to his business and energetic hobbies, which included hang-gliding, parachuting, bungee-jumping, white-water rafting and mountaineering.

As the son of leading racehorse owner Sir Robert Waley-Cohen and his wife Felicity, the daughter of Viscount Bearstead, he is the product of a highly privileged background.

It would have been easy to sit back and let his family name do the work, but instead, he has seized every opportunity available to him.

He grew up sharing time between the family home near Banbury and London, where his father’s diagnostic imaging business, Alliance Medical, which provides MRI and CT scanners, was based.

Witnessing his father combining his passion for horse-racing with a highly successful business career was to provide a template for his own approach to sport and work. He describes both his parents as ‘super-energised, always trying to make projects happen’.

As a child, he remembers having an enormous enthusiasm for every new experience.

‘Our home was a working farm, and I’d go out with the shepherd on his rounds first thing in the morning. He made me a little cut-down crook and I loved driving around with him.

‘There were ponies for us to jump on and gallop around and I could go fishing after school with my friends. I know I was very lucky – it was a charmed childhood.’
No matchmaker: Sam Waley-Cohen insists he was not the cupid who got William and Kate back together

No matchmaker: Sam Waley-Cohen insists he was not the cupid who got William and Kate back together

Being the third of four children helped him develop a highly competitive streak, which was honed at the exclusive Wetherby prep school in West London and St Edward’s School, Oxford.

But it was during his teenage years that his family was hit by a tragedy that profoundly affected Sam’s outlook on life.

In 1995, his brother Thomas, younger by two years, was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer that affects fewer than 30 children in Britain each year.

Over the next decade, he battled the illness and had a leg amputated, but he died in 2004, just days after his 20th birthday.

For Sam, watching his brother refuse to allow the illness to curtail his active lifestyle left an indelible impression.

‘He had great energy and made the most out of life, never letting anything get him down or hold him back. That spirit, that -courage, are what I think of when I think of him.

‘He wanted to be active as much as possible, and he’d drag me off to do the things he wanted to do, like sky-diving on his 18th birthday.

'It became the way I lived too. Now, he’s an inspiration to me. Losing him means I strive to make the most of every second of every day.

'I realised how precious time is. There are seven days in the week and I don’t waste any of them.’

It was horse-racing that helped Sam through his grief after Thomas’s death.

Having inherited a love of the sport from his father, he had continued it as a hobby throughout his time studying for a degree in politics at Edinburgh University and a stint he spent working in Geneva and Paris for commodities firm Louis Dreyfus.

In 2005 he unexpectedly won at the Cheltenham Festival, riding his father’s horse Liberthine.

‘It was a time which was really difficult, soon after Tom had died,’ he says.

‘I was very inexperienced and Liberthine wasn’t fancied at all, so it was a total surprise.

'It was the first really positive thing that had happened for a long time and a magical moment where I thought things could actually get better.’

It proved to be a turning point, after which further racing opportunities came thick and fast. Despite increasing success, he has never been tempted to turn professional.

‘I do it for the love of it, because it’s something I really want to do,’ says Sam, who has his brother’s initials sewn into his racing saddle.

‘There’s no agenda, no financial motive behind it. I didn’t set out with a specific ambition. It’s like someone kicking a ball in the park. If you score a goal in five-a-side football, you pretend you’re at Wembley.

'When you ride a horse you pretend you’re at Cheltenham or the Grand National. You don’t actually expect it’s really going to happen.

‘But although I’m an amateur, I can’t be amateurish. I want to win. It is dangerous and difficult. If you’re going to take on the best professionals, you have to be in a position to do justice to yourself and the people who have backed you.’

You might imagine that, as an amateur who has the advantage of being able to ride horses part-owned by his wealthy father, he is not the most popular with other jockeys.

On the contrary, he says. ‘There’s a real sense of camaraderie between jockeys because whatever our background, we’re all passionate about doing something that is essentially pretty foolish. And when the race begins, the task’s the same for all of us.’

Sam started Portman Healthcare in 2008, so he has to combine his training for races with long working days.
William and Kate, pictured here watching England play Italy at Twickenham in the Six Nations in February 2007, split a month later

William and Kate, pictured here watching England play Italy at Twickenham in the Six Nations in February 2007, split a month later

The idea behind the business was, he says, a ‘lightbulb moment’ in which he questioned why, as a First World country, Britain had such a bad reputation for dental care, and going to the dentist was seen as an unpleasant chore to be postponed as long as possible.

‘We want to revolutionise the way dentistry is delivered – make it about providing a service based on quality and on the experience for the patient,’ he says.

It means that 19-hour days are the norm, spent driving around the various practices, attending meetings, fielding phone calls and emails and exercising, either at the gym or on his Equicizer, a mechanical horse he has placed in his living room.

Now that the racing season has ended and he has relaxed his training regime, he has more time on his hands.

But Sam has already found another project. Since Thomas’s death, he has been involved in organising charity events in his memory, including the DayGlo roller-disco in 2008 at which Kate Middleton wore yellow hot pants and fell flat on her back on the dancefloor.

His family have raised more than £1 million for the Children’s Hospital in Oxford, where a ward bears Thomas’s name.

Sam’s latest venture, named TAWC after Thomas, will provide start-up funds and advice for students who want to hold their own charitable events. ‘I’ve been thinking about

it for a long time and I think it could be really great, but then I also think, ‘‘What on earth am I doing? I should be taking a couple of months to catch my breath,’’ ’ he says.

In truth, he is the kind of person who cannot sit still, the kind who makes everyone else feel lazy. But where many highly successful people are driven by their demons, he genuinely seems to love everything he does.

When I call him an achievement junkie he laughs and says: ‘I like pushing myself. I climbed a mountain in Peru which was really hard. The altitude was terrible and we could barely breathe or see when we got to the top. On the way down, though, I was already saying, “We need to find a bigger one!” ’

This year Sam has his wedding and honeymoon to enjoy and afterwards will begin the process of training for next season, in which he hopes to go one better at Aintree and win.

Although, as he says: ‘The problem with achieving your ambitions is that the goalposts are always moving. You think well, I’ve done that, what can I do next?’


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